Monday, February 21, 2011

Congress Theme

Increasing Public Participation in Government

Congress Location -- City Hall

Citywide Congress Planning Meeting Update for Feb. 20, 2011, Hollywood

Theme: Increasing Public Participation in Government
Location: City Hall
Date: 1st Choice = Sept. 24; 2nd Choice = Sept. 17 and 3rd Choice = October 15, 2011. DONE Staff to confirm date from these choices.
Budget: The sample budget provided by DONE staff will be used as the preliminary budget for now. The committee agreed that the sample resolution provided by DONE from the SFV Congress will be distributed to the NCs with choices ranging from $250, $500, $1,000 or more. NCs providing $1,000 or more will have additional recognition to be determined at a future meeting. Outside fundraising also suggested to be explored now that the Congress theme is known. NC outreach for funding will begin right away.
Logistics: Food and other details will be on the next planning meeting agenda. Heinrich Keifer offered to create a site plan for City Hall.
Program: Committee will meet between now and the next meeting to plan the overall program. This will include outreach to the neighborhood councils for topics, speakers, etc. Committee members are: Marlene Savage, Maggi Fajnor (Planning & Land Use topics), Ivan Spiegel, Tony Wilkinson. Look for surveys and communications from these committee members and get involved with suggestions for the Program. Also, anyone interested in helping to coordinate the written content for the program book, design and other marketing/advertising efforts are invited to get involved.
Exhibitor Tables/City Depts: Looking for someone to take the lead in this area. Contact Cindy for more info.
Next Congress Planning meeting will be Saturday, April 2, 2011 at 1:30 p.m. This will give time for the Program Committee to meet between now and then, possibly at the March 5, 2011 LANCC meeting.
If you are interested in getting involved in the Citywide Congress planning, please contact Cindy or plan to attend the next meetings (Program on 3/5 and full committee on 4/2). Copies of the NC resolution will be posted to the blog this week.

Please be sure to sign up to follow this blog.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Congress Planning Meeting this Sunday at 1 p.m.

Reminder -- This Sunday is the next meeting of the Citywide Congress Planning Group in Hollywood at 1 p.m.

Attached is the agenda for our meeting. Main item is to determine location for the Congress. We then move on to all the other details.

Looking forward to working with you and thank you for being available to meet on Sunday.

Please pass this on to anyone you know who would like to help plan the next Neighborhood Council Congress.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Where to hold the 2011 Congress ?

This past Saturday afternoon the 2011 NC Congress Planning group met for the second meeting. Great to see more new participants! Thank you to Thomas Soong at DONE for his background info and help.

The main topic -- where to hold the Congress? The most recent Congress events have been held at City Hall. But, this year an even bigger turnout is expected due to many new leaders on neighborhood council boards and the many issues facing neighborhoods across the City of Los Angeles. The committee is looking at other local sites that can accommodate 500-600 attendees.

The other big topic -- how much do we need to budget to hold a Congress? The committee chose $20,000 as the base number. The cost of the Congress has been approximately $15,000 for both a City Hall Congress in 2010 and the Valley Congress held at Panorama High School in 2009. This year's Congress will have a similar budget and also include opportunities for outside sponsorships.

The next planning meeting will be held in two weeks at the Hollywood Constituent Center, 6501 Fountain, Hollywood at 1 p.m. For more information plan now to attend the Feb. 20 at 1 p.m. meeting, check back here on this blog or contact Cindy Cleghorn at 818-429-6699.