Friday, April 15, 2011

Congress Planning Meeting - April 16, 2011 at 1 p.m.

Saturday, April 16, 2011, 1:00 p.m.
Following the BudgetLA meeting
Hollywood Presbyterian Church (“The Cellar”)
1760 N. Gower Street., Hollywood, CA 90028


1. Welcome and Sign-In - Cindy Cleghorn – / 818-429-6699
Neighborhood Council / Region/Alliance Representation

2. Review Congress of Neighborhoods Planning efforts

Congress Schedule
7:45 a.m. - Check-In, Coffee, Fruit, Muffins
Roll Call of Neighborhoods/Neighborhood Councils
Morning & Afternoon Workshop Sessions - total of 9 sessions
Networking / Meet & Greet Electeds
Congress Taking Action
Congress Adjourns by 4 pm

3. Committee Leaders & Updates

Committees -- volunteers welcome

NC Leaders Survey - Programming Survey content - Tony Wilkinson. Please submit ideas for survey questions to Tony ASAP. His e-mail address is

Update Resolution for NC support: NC Funding Outreach - Resolution for NC support -- Nina Royal will contact all NC's. Once your NC has made a financial commitment, please let Nina know. Nina's e-mail is All committee members are asked to promote NCs funding the congress and getting the resolution on their agendas ASAP.

Marketing / Advertising -- John Stammereich, Chair – E-mail
Congress Promotion – Save the Date
NC Outreach
Other Ideas

Exhibitor/City Departments -- Marlene Savage and Doug Epperhart

Refreshments & Lunch -- Jay Handal e-mail:

Facilities at City Hall - Heinrich Keifer / Melvin Canas


4. Set Future Meeting Date – Suggestions: May 7

5. Adjourn

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Save the Date for "Increasing Public Participation in Government"

Next Congress Planning meeting will be Saturday, April 16 at 1:00 p.m. following the BudgetLA meeting at Hollywood Presbyterian Church.

Everyone welcome!

April 2 Meeting Notes

Reviewed and approved Congress Schedule:
7:45 a.m. - Check-In, Coffee, Fruit, Muffins
Roll Call of Neighborhoods/Neighborhood Councils
Morning & Afternoon Workshop Sessions - total of 9 sessions
Networking / Meet & Greet Electeds
Congress Taking Action
Congress Adjourns by 4 pm


Survey - Programming Survey content - Tony Wilkinson. Please submit ideas for survey questions to Tony ASAP. His e-mail address is

NC Funding Outreach - Resolution for NC support -- DONE will e-blast, Nina Royal will contact all NC's. Nina's e-mail is All committee members are asked to promote NC funding the congress, getting resolution on their agendas ASAP. Deadline for Demand Warrants is 4-15-11 to DONE.

Marketing / Advertising -- John Stammereich, Chair

Exhibitor/City Departments -- Marlene Savage / Doug Epperhardt

Refreshments & Lunch -- Jay Handal will present ideas

Facilities at City Hall - Heinrich Keifer / Melvin Canas

Next Meeting, Saturday, April 16 at 1 p.m. at Hollywood Presbyterian Church -- meeting follows BudgetLA meeting.