Saturday, June 11, 2011

Congress Planning Meeting - Notes

Meeting held June 11 at Historic Downtown Outreach Center. Thank you to the many neighborhood councils who have voted to support Congress expenses. We will post a list later. To pay for costs in this fiscal year, please contact Thomas Soong or Melvin Canas at DONE. There are costs we can pre-pay such as tables and chairs, audio, printing, office supplies, etc. Due to the time limit on using the P-card, its important to make the purchases by Monay, June 13.

Location for the Congress has been confirmed.
Channel 35 is calendared
Paul Krekorian to host
Paul Krekorian to initiate motion by City Council establishing Sept. 24 as NC Congress Day

The committee reviewed survey results received so far. Overall, areas of interest include:

NC 101
Safety & Emergency
New City Policies and Initiatives

Jay Handel will review food requirements and get costs by Monday.

Next planning meeting will be Saturday, June 25 at the DONE office 334-B E. 2nd Street, LA. More details to follow.

Thank you to Russell Brown at DLANC for hosting our meeting today.

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